Friday 5/6

3 rounds for time in teams of 2: 20 Clusters 30/40 kg, 20 Med Ball Throw 3 m Buddy style, 20 Med Ball Situps, 20 Med Ball Lunges, Run 400 meters between rounds.

Wednesday 3/6

Viking TEAM 2&2 for time: 50 Pull ups, 50 Toes through rings, 50 Burpees, 50 Air Squats. 40 Pull ups, 40 Toes through rings, 40 Burpees, 40 Air Squats. 30 Pull ups, 30 Toes through rings, 30 Burpees, 30 Air Squats. 20 Pull ups, 20 Toes through rings, 20 Burpees,...

Friday 29/5

Team WOD for time: 150 Air Squats, 50 Power Cleans, 100 Situps, 50 Front Squats, 50 Burpees.

Wednesday 22/4

For time:- 5 rounds   Cash in – 100 tuck jumps 10 push ups 10 t2b 10 angel jumps 10 close grip push ups 10 v sits 10 pistols 10 deficit push ups 10 windscreen wipers 10 box jumps Cash out – 100 tuck jumps   E3MO3M – 30 seconds plank  ...
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