Monday 20/7

EMOM 6 min: 5 Deadlift 100/75 kg, 6 Burpees over Bar.   4 RFT: 5 Deadlift 100/75 kg, 10 Angel Jumps, 15 Push Ups, 20 Wall Ball Shots.

Friday 17/7

WOD 1: 2 minutes work, 1 min rest x 4: 5 Snatches 60/40 kg, 5 Burpees, 50 DU.   WOD 2: Teams of 2, AMRAP 10 min: 30 Air Squats, 20 Pull ups, 10 Clusters 60/40 kg, 2 Rope Climbs....

Wednesday 15/7

2 RFT: 500 m Run, 25 Burpee Box Jumps, 25 Pull Ups, 25 Jumping Squats, 25 Get Up Situp, 25 Ring Dips, 25 Pistols.

Monday 13/7

AMRAP 20 min: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7…..   1 Front Squat 60/40 kg, 1 Burpee over Bar.   2 Front Squats 60/40 kg, 2 Burpees over Bar.   3 Front Squats 60/40 kg, 3 Burpees over Bar.   4 Front Squats…...

Wednesday 8/7

1 min on each station, 30 sec rest between stations. 3 rounds: Skipping Rope, Situps, Walking Lunges, L-Sit, Ring Dips.  
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