Tuesday 25/11

Technique: strikt-, kipping- och butterfly pull ups. For time: 50 Pull ups, 50 Swiss army knives, 50 KB snatches 24/16kg, 50 DU, 50 Burpees, Timecape 20 min  

21/11 TEAM WOD

Cash in: 4rounds each: 7 Thrusters 40/30kg, 30 Mountain climbers, 10 Jumping air squats, 6 Power cleans 40/30kg, 10 Angel jumps, 6 Push press 40/30kg, 10 Box jumps, 7 T2B, 20 DUs, 3 Wall climbs, 10 Burpees, AMRAP 40 min: 5 Burpees, 10 Sit ups, 15 Air squats,  ...

Thursday 20/11

Med ball clean//   50 air squats, 40 KB swings 24/32 kg, 30 med ball cleans, 20 KB swings 24/32 kg, 10 burpees over med ball.   Death by…

Tuesday 18/11

Overhead squat 3+3+3+3+3// 2 rounds: (1 min on – 30 sec off) jumping squats, sit ups, the plank, jumping rope singels, back extensions, half burpees,  
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