Thursday 4/12

Front Squats: 3+3+3+3+3, AMRAP: 10 Front Squats 60/40kg, 10 Floor presses 60/40kg, 50 Double unders

Monday 1/12

Technique: hang squat snatch 5+5+5, AMRAP 12 min, 3 Hang power snatch, 6 Jump over the bar (facing bar) 9 easy burpees

Friday 28/11

TEAM WOD: 30-20-10: (45/30kg) Deadlift, Hang power clean, Front squat, Front rack lunges, Push jerk, Back squats, Back rack lunges, Thrusters,   On every 3rd minute: 14 Burpees, Timecap 30 min...

Wednesday 26/11

Technique: Cleans, Muscle clean: 1×5, Power clean: 3×5, Squat clean: 5×5, AMRAP 7 min. 7 Med ball cleans, 7 Push ups
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