Monday 12/10

For time, in teams of 2: 80 Overhead Squats 45/30 kg, 80 HSPU, 80 SDHP 45/30 kg, 80 Pull Ups, 80 Thrusters 45/30 kg, 80 KB swings 24/16 kg, 80 DU.   Every drop/change = 5 Burpees. TC 40...

Thursday 1/10

For time: 100 DU. 100 KB Swings 24/16 kg, 100 Jumping Squats. 100 DU. 80 Burpee Situps, 80 Barbell Front Lunge 60/40 kg. 100 DU. 60 Pull Ups, 60 Power Cleans 60/40 kg. 100 DU. 40 Buddy Barbell Push Press 60/40 kg, 40 Buddy Situps. 100 DU 20 Wall...

Monday 21/9

Med ball mania 3RFT: 20 WB, 20 Clean & Jerk, 20 Side-toss, 20 Situps-toss, 20 OH Lunges, 20 Russian Twist.

Wednesday 16/9

TEAM WOD for time: 100 Air Squats, 100 Box Jumps.   500 m Row.   100 Burpee Pull Ups, 100 Supermans.   500 m Row.   100 Push Ups, 100 Abmat Situps.   500 m Row.   Cash out: 1 min The Plank, 1 min L-Sit, 1 min...

Monday 14/9

EMOM 18 min: Even: 3 Deadlift, 5 Barbell Rolls.   Odd: 20 Angel Jumps, 10 KB Situps, 5 KB SDHP.

Monday 7/9

AMRAP – as many reps as possible. 2 min work (all-in!), 1 min rest. Box Jumps, KB Swings, GHD Situps, Sled, Assult bike. WB,   Rope, Air Squats, Push Press, Lunges, Row, KB...
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