Thursday 9/4

EMOM 18 min: Odd: 5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Jumping Squats. Even: 3 Squat Clean 80/60 kg, 2 Wall Climb.

Wednesday 8/4

1 minute on each station. 3 rounds with one minute rest between rounds. Thors Hammer, L-sit, Singles, Ring Row, The Plank.

Monday 6/4

AMRAP 5 min x3: 2 Ground to overhead (75 kg/50 kg), 15 DU. Rest 2:00 after completion, repeat for 3 rounds total.

Friday 3/4

Team WOD 2&2: With a running clock EMOM for 21 mins: First 7 mins: 5 burpees ( together), In remaining time as many power snatches as possible. Second 7 mins: 5 burpees, Overhead lunges. Third 7 mins: 5 burpees, Thrusters....
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