Monday 22/6

In teams of 2, AMRAP 20 min: 10 Pull ups, 10 Front Squats 40/30 kg, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Burpees, 30 KB Swings, 500 m run.  

Wednesday 17/6

3 Rounds: EMOM: Stay on the same station for three minutes before moving on to the next station. 1 minute rest between stations. 200 m Row, 20 Air Squats, 20 DU, 10 WB, 7 HSPU/14 Pull Ups, 10 Burpees....

Monday 15/6

WOD 1: EMOM 12 min: Even: 10 Hang Power Snatch 35/30 kg. Odd: 5 MU   WOD 2: 2 rounds, 1 minute on each station with 30 sec rest between: Static Hang, The Plank, L-Sit.

Friday 12/6

  Team WOD in pairs of 2: Cash-in: 50 Burpees 2 Rounds: 40 Front Squats 40/30 kg, 400 m “Buddy Bar Run”, 40 Push Jerk, 400 m “Buddy Bar Run” Cash Out: 50 Burpees
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