Wednesday 22/4

For time:- 5 rounds   Cash in – 100 tuck jumps 10 push ups 10 t2b 10 angel jumps 10 close grip push ups 10 v sits 10 pistols 10 deficit push ups 10 windscreen wipers 10 box jumps Cash out – 100 tuck jumps   E3MO3M – 30 seconds plank  ...

Monday 20/4

EMOM 12 minutes Odd- 5 overhead squats Even- 6 strict pull ups   For time, teams of 2 ( relay ) 10 rounds   8 Thrusters 8 Burpees 8 Shuttle runs  

Thursday 16/4

Barbell complex 5 sets (climbing) Power clean + Hang power clean + Squat clean  + front squat   For time 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Power snatch T2b Burpees

Wednesday 15/4

For time: 30 DU, 100 Air Squats, 30 DU, 100 Ring Dips, 30 DU, 100 Push Ups, 30 DU, 100 Situps, 30 DU.  

Tuesday 14/4

For max rounds: Max rounds in 4 minutes of 10 Knees to elbows, 10 Box jumps, 10 Wall ball. Rest 2 minutes after completion, then Max rounds in 8 minutes of 20 calories Row, 20  DU, 20 KB swings 24/16 kg. Rest 4 minutes after completion, then Max rounds in 12 minutes...
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