Protein powder from NutriAthletic now in stock!

Pure Whey Protein is a high quality protein powder which helps you to cover up your daily protein needs. NutriAthletic is one of the best brands on the market and the Pure Whey Protein contains as much as 90 % protein! The protein powder contains biological and...

Monday 29/12

Team WOD – 1 works/1 rests 50-40-30-20-10 Power Clean, 60/40 kg, Box Jump, Push Jerks 60/40 kg, T2B.

26/12 Friday

Team WOD squat clean technique! EMOM: 18 min. Odd: 25 sec. the plank + 25 sec. L-sit, Even: 3 squat cleans 80/60kg + 4 burpees

Tuesday 23/12

2 & 2 together – 1 work/1 rest. After completing the first movement go back to begin again adding a new movement each round. For time: 2 Thrusters, 4 Push jerk, 6 Front squat, 8 Hang power clean, 10 Front rack lunges, 12 Wall balls, 14 Box jumps, 16 Pull...
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