Monday 29/12

Team WOD – 1 works/1 rests 50-40-30-20-10 Power Clean, 60/40 kg, Box Jump, Push Jerks 60/40 kg, T2B.

26/12 Friday

Team WOD squat clean technique! EMOM: 18 min. Odd: 25 sec. the plank + 25 sec. L-sit, Even: 3 squat cleans 80/60kg + 4 burpees

Tuesday 23/12

2 & 2 together – 1 work/1 rest. After completing the first movement go back to begin again adding a new movement each round. For time: 2 Thrusters, 4 Push jerk, 6 Front squat, 8 Hang power clean, 10 Front rack lunges, 12 Wall balls, 14 Box jumps, 16 Pull...

Friday 19/12

Filthy Fifty +++ Team WOD: For time: 50 box jumps/wall squat, 50 pull ups/hang, 50 KB swings/KB hold in rack. 50 team walking lunges, 50 leg lift, 50 push press/bar in rack, 50 back extensions, 50 team wall balls, 50 burpees over buddy, 50...
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