Tuesday 3/2

Tag Team 2&2: 100 WB, 30-25-20 of: Deadlift 50/35 kg, Broad Jumps.   80 WB, 25-20-15 of: Hang Power Clean, Angel Jumps.   60 WB, 20-15-10 of: Front Squat, Get Up Situps.   40 WB, 15-10-5 of: Push Jerk, Burpees.   20 WB, Cash Out: 1:30 min...

Friday 30/1

TEAM WOD teams of 3: Row total 7000 meters   40 JJ, 30 Air Squats, 20 DU, 10 Box Jump Burpees.    


FOR TIME: 21-18-15-9-6-9-15-18-21 Press ups, FR lunges 30/15kg, MB sit ups, Push press 30/15kg, Mountain climbers

Wednesday 28/1

EMOM 30 min. First minute: 5 Pull ups, 10 T2B, 15 Angel jumps, Second minute: 10 Wall balls 10/8 kg, 10 Box jumps, Third minute: 1 Wall climb, 5 Burpees    
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